Time To Plant, Time To Build!
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heavens: … a time to plant and a time to uproot,… a time to tear down and a time to build”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest … shall not cease”
Genesis 8:22
” Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense”
Isaiah 54:2
Spring time is here – a season when we experience the rains, when the green and lushness begins to creep back on the grasses and plants in the field; when the flowers bloom and the roses turn red again. It is that season when the good farmer knows it is time to plant what he wants to harvest later.
Isn’t it interesting to note that, it is easier to destroy or tear down, than to build up? It is easier to react to things than to make things happen; easier to fight than to maintain peace; easier to criticize than to be part of the solution. Have you noticed that there are some couples who are very united to fight an enemy than they are when there is no presumed enemy to fight? In fact, the relationship crumbles because there is no enemy left to fight against – nothing else to blame for their troubles and now they fight themselves, because they are not used to building something together.
Some Christians are more soldiers than builders- they can bind, cast out and destroy their enemies or the devil. They are prayer warriors but they don’t realize when the enemy is no longer the problem and it is time to turn their weapons to building tools, their swords to plowshares or shovels to start building the future they want to see. You have been praying a lot against the devil’s attacks on your children, spouse, family, business etc. but now is the time to intentionally start planting those seeds of love, respect, peace, integrity, being supportive, togetherness, unselfishness, kind/ edifying words, forgiveness, attentiveness, building each other in love, sharing good ideas, innovation, strategizing for growth and expansion.
The truth is that if we do not recognize our planting season, we will have no good harvest. Yes you will have a harvest but it will be weeds or perhaps, what grew by serendipity or chance than the real future you want to see. It’s time to gather and plant the right seeds for your future. It’s good to tear down what is not working but much better to build the better future instead. The question arises, are you ready to plant or are you already planting that future of satisfaction you want to harvest? Come let’s build together!

We fight ourselves than we build you see especially in marital relationships. We hope to invest love, respect and peace in this season of our lives. Thank you so much and keep this coming. God bless.