The Greatest Discovery on Earth – Self Discovery!

It’s a new year, and as usual, with it comes a mix of hope, resolutions, and aspirations for many. Some approach the year with optimism, while others may feel more pessimistic and resigned to fate, influenced by past experiences or their general outlook on life. Regardless of where you stand, there’s a fundamental principle at play: Newton’s first law of motion. This law states that an object remains in its current state of motion unless acted upon by an external force. In simpler terms, nothing changes until you take action. This year will reflect the changes and efforts you put into achieving your goals. For true change to occur, we need to evaluate who we are, where we are, where we’re going, and how we’ll get there. We’ll start with who we are.

Understanding Yourself

Philemon 1:6 says, ” that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”

God has placed many good things in you but they will only be effective when you are ‘awake’ to them. It was Dr Myles Munroe of blessed memory who said, “The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself”. He also asserted that the richest place on earth is the graveyard because of the people buried with immensely untapped potentials (unfulfilled hopes and dreams, books unwritten, songs unsung, inventions unshared, etc.).
My intent is not to create doubt in you about who or where you are at this point but to remind you and reinforce a purpose-driven mind reset so you can be the best version of yourself.

Who Are You?

When we reflect on the encounters God had with various people in the Bible, we can see that God places a strong emphasis on names. He called the first man “Adam”, He renamed Abram to “Abraham” and Sarai to “Sarah”, and He sent Angel Gabriel with specific instructions regarding the names of John and Jesus. Names represent our identity- the very essence of who we are as individuals. In Acts 19:15, the demons questioned the sons of Sceva “Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you?”. This is a question we must be prepared to answer for ourselves, “Who are you?”

I am not asking you to change your name (please do if you must). However, it’s important to address who you call yourself in your subconscious depths when no one is around. What picture comes to mind when you call your name?

Self Reflection Exercise

If you’re unsure, let’s try a little exercise. Find a quiet place away from distractions, close your eyes, and begin to call out your name several times while reflecting on the meaning and/or the pictures that come to your mind. What do you see? How did you feel afterwards? I would like to know. Some people will see what others have said about them, whether it’s good or bad, or what experiences they have had.”
This exercise can reveal how you perceive yourself, beyond external influences. It’s about tapping into that inner voice, often drowned out by external opinions, to discover our true purpose and passions.

Listen to the Inner Voice

Deep within us, beyond the clamour of external opinions, lies a still, small voice waiting to be heard. The more we listen to it, the louder it becomes. Some call it “passion,” “burden,” “burning desire,” or “restlessness.” Proverbs 20:27 refers to this voice as “the spirit of man,” which is the candle of the Lord, searching out our innermost parts. These innermost parts do not refer to sin, but rather, to our purpose, which reflects the truest version of ourselves and is open to influence from either God’s kingdom or darkness, depending on whom we choose to yield to.

Embracing Your True Self

 It’s time to refocus on your God-given purpose and let your true self shine through. Allow your potential to water the world around you. Rediscover the child within you who is unafraid to express themselves. Don’t let present challenges keep you down. Take baby steps towards your goals, whether it’s writing that song or book, sharing that idea, making that proposal, volunteering, or pursuing a passion. Take that trip, take a new course or test, change your job or career, let go of unproductive relationships, and build new ones. Persist in your passions and feed your potential with the energy it needs to bring out the best version of you. Above all, remember that God is glorified when you let the real you shine through.

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  1. Thanks @michael for this wonderful exposition. This is in line with what God said to me concerning the year. He said is my Year of Coming Out! That’s a way of saying, this year, I am focused on being the best version of myself. Praise God!