The First Noel
The first Noel, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay …???
This song sends a nostalgic feeling through me and chronicles the events of that night of Jesus’ birth. Such a beautiful song. We spend the week singing lovely Christmas carol tunes as we are rolling into the “D-day” of Christmas, 25th December.
The term “Noel” is a French word for Christmas and can also be used to refer to Christmas carols.
In today’s reference text, it says,
“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”Luke 2:13-14 KJV
This describes the first carol service held over 2000 years ago in heaven with the angels praising God and declaring peace and goodwill to men. Paul admonishes us to sing psalms and hymns and make melody in our hearts. Carols are wonderful hymns about the nativity. Nowadays, some have attempted to replace these time-tested hymns with empty secular songs which lack the power of the message of our savior’s birth – whom we celebrate at Christmas. Thank God we are privileged to know better.
In my reflection today, I am thinking about the thoughts going through the minds of these lowly shepherds to have seen angels and heaven open in their lifetime. But most importantly was the message they were carrying which is still relevant today – Peace and goodwill to men. Can you imagine that this event was happening in only one part of the world – Bethlehem, but would have worldwide implications? Today we have received this same gospel of peace and goodwill to men. Halleluyah!
The bible tells us that righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost is the Kingdom of God (Rom.14:17). So I can boldly say that the message the angels were saying is that the Kingdom of God has come upon men. What do the terms PEACE and GOODWILL to men mean to you?
Can you read the same scripture with other bible versions to see other renditions of these words? I would really love to expand on the Hebrew or Greek rendering of these deep and powerful words.
Lastly, while we celebrate the richness of the Christmas holiday, it would really be lovely if we spend some time this season to sing and meditate on the beautiful wording of the carols which reveals that Jesus came to save the lowly, illiterate shepherds and also to transform the lives of wise, educated and wealthy.
You can share a video of yourself or your family singing a short verse of any carol, or even music by another artist that you love and post it for us to share in your joy to the glory of God this Christmas. Keep it coming, it’ll be fun. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!