Success Or Faithfulness: God’s Choice

Happy new month of February! I am grateful to God as I write to you today. 2024 as expected has been an eventful year so far.

“His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Matt 25:21

In Kingdom Concept, we have spent the beginning of the year in a spirit of consecration, searching and listening to the heart of God in readiness for the great harvest of souls into his Kingdom, which has already begun all over the world. Our vision is to see the reality of the prophecy in Revelations 11:15, “And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.”

What is Success?

In my meditations this week, our opening scripture has been one to ponder deeply, especially in this season when there is a lot of emphasis on success in life, be it family, ministry, business, career, finances, etc. We all want to succeed in life. But what does success look like? What is God’s definition of success in our life’s call?

Aligning with God’s Definition of Success

The renowned missionary, Mother Theresa once said “God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to faithful.”

Jesus spoke about the judgment day and those who will say that they did many good things in his name, but they will be told to depart from him, “ye workers of iniquity.” Could it be that this class of people had defined their success by a different standard which God calls ‘iniquity’? My heartfelt prayer is that our works would be found worthy to be counted as works of righteousness! Amen.”

God Rewards Faithfulness, Not Just Success

God rewards faithfulness, not just success. The scripture we read implies that God is not enticed by the grandeur of our works for His Kingdom but with our faithfulness in carrying out the specific tasks He has assigned each of us to do.

Embrace Your Unique Assignment

I remember while writing one of my high school exams, the authorities decided to switch up the test papers to discourage any form of malpractice. One student would have paper type A and another paper type B or D randomly distributed. Question number 1 in paper A is different from question 1 in paper type B. Some students were not aware of this and would copy the answers from another student. This meant they were copying answers from a different question paper and so would get it all wrong. Some finished and were very happy with themselves for cheating but unfortunately failed when the results were out.

This is the same in God’s Kingdom. God has given each of us the measure of grace and expects us to be faithful in our specific areas of assignment. How often do we find that we are distracted by other people’s assignments or accomplishments? We may envy or perhaps try to become like them to the detriment of what God has called us to do.

Stay True to Your Divine Call

This year, what is God speaking to you in your heart to do? Are you giving your best even when it looks so small or no one else appears to applaud, validate or encourage you? Are you distracted by the seeming success of others while yours looks yet to bloom? Perhaps you have made mistakes and feel you deserve to fail or even yet to find your way through the confusion around you.

Stay true and give yourself wholly to God. Remember, God is able to make us stand and to keep us from falling and present us blameless and irreproachable in his sight. When we choose to surrender ourselves, thoughts, purposes, and plans through daily devotion to him, he molds us into his image and makes us into the kind of success he will be proud of to say, “Well done. You good and faithful servant!”

Subsequently, we will explore how to stay faithful to our divine call despite the distractions. Stay tuned!”

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