Soul Wars Part 2: Winning Back Your Soul
In Part 1 of the blog, we explored the truth in Matthew 16:26 that our human soul is more expensive than the whole world put together and the reason we must safeguard our soul from the onslaught of the distractions and cares of this life.
1 Peter 2:11 exhorts us:
“Dear friends, I warn you, as temporary residents and foreigners, to keep away from worldly desires, that wage war against your very soul.”
In this second Part, we will look briefly at eight godly practices that can help win back and keep our souls in God’s path.
- Let go of unnecessary weights: Hebrews 12:1 exhorts us to lay aside the weights and sins that easily hold us back. The weights are not sins but good things that do not necessarily add to our divine purpose. Whether it is excessive phone notifications, TV programs, casual chats, or even endless religious or business activities, or group meetings that erode or replace your intimate connection with God and your innate values. The Apostles chose deacons so they could focus on the word of God and prayers. Do you really need to be there for everyone all the time? Do you really need that big house, car, job, dress, relationship etc.? Assess what truly adds value to your life and release yourself from commitments that drain rather than fulfil you.
- Set appropriate expectations: Anxieties, discontentment, resentment, and bitterness mostly stem from unmet expectations. Some expectations are based on primordial fantasies or unhealthy comparisons and these fight against our soul. Examine the root of your expectations. Are you allowing past hurts or bad experiences to dictate your perspective on life? Are you raising the bar so high that no one can climb it, not even you? Do you give allowance for the faults of others or for us to make mistakes without judging yourself too harshly? No matter how good you try to be, things will happen beyond your control. Maintain healthy expectations about yourself and others. Be adaptable when things do not go as planned.
- Practice contentment: Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 6-6-8 says it all: “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” Cultivate a spirit of contentment by appreciating what you have rather than longing for what you don’t. True fulfilment comes from within our souls, not from external possessions or achievements.
- Practice genuine gratitude: Develop a habit of genuine gratitude for the blessings in your life, big and small. This is more than just a casual lip service but a deeper feeling of true appreciation to God for the things around you. Take time to say thank you to your spouse for being there, to tell your children how blessed you are for having them; make a practice of saying thank you to your colleagues for coming to share ideas with you. Take a quiet walk through your neighbourhood and just enjoy nature. Sit down and soak in the rays of the sun, feel the gentle breeze caress your skin, smell the flowers, look at the night skies, and appreciate the beauty of the stars and the moon. Travel to places, engage with another culture and experience new things. Remove your focus from the things you don’t have and you will be amazed that there is so much we have to be thankful for.
- Practice Forgiveness: The bible teaches that we need to forgive. Forgiveness does not just free the other person but rather frees us more. Holding onto resentment poisons your soul. We have all benefitted from forgiveness at some point, so we have no reason to hold back. Forgiveness frees us to receive freely from God. We deprive ourselves of our joy of salvation when we hold another person captive in our hearts through unforgiveness. Let go of your brother, sister, spouse, work colleague, parent or child. Many have allowed the devil to afflict their minds and bodies with various ailments through unforgiveness. As believers, unforgiveness is not a choice we are given no matter the circumstance. Go to God in prayer and seek counselling if you find yourself struggling to forgive.
- Practice reflective prayer: Philippians 4:6 tells us to pray about everything instead of being anxious. Prayer is not an empty exercise of talking to an invisible being and walking away. It has the power to change things when done rightly. The very art of prayer is a form of talking therapy. Research has shown that those who believe in something higher than themselves tend to have better outcomes in mental well-being. A lot of underlying anxieties stem from unprocessed or unresolved feelings of fear, anger, jealousy, envy, strife, bitterness or feeling of not being enough. In reflective prayer, we sincerely and openly share these feelings with God who already knows our hearts. The Holy Spirit enables us to reflect and process these feelings, evaluate them, receive healing and forgiveness and renew our minds on how to handle them better. We cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. We rest when we know that we are not alone and someone greater is looking after us. Prayer enacts our trust in God and gives Him permission to intervene in the circumstances of our lives.
- Practice quietness and rest: Seek Solitude. The human soul was not designed to run non-stop. We need to take out time for moments of quietness and periods of rest. Follow Jesus’ example of setting aside time for solitude and reflection. In moments of quietness, we can reconnect with our inner selves and discern the guidance that lies within.
- Learn from the past, plan for tomorrow but live for today: As Jesus wisely taught, worrying does not add anything to us except anxiety. The day’s trouble is more than enough. Don’t be so stuck in the past that you forget to live today. Nor be too focused on the future that you forget that the future is determined by what you do today. The future is not tomorrow or next year but the next second. Take charge of your soul today and tomorrow will be a well-wrapped present.
By nourishing our souls through these practices, we reclaim our inner peace and find fulfilment beyond material pursuits. Listen to the whispers of your soul, guided by the Holy Spirit, and experience a life overflowing with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
