How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

To receive the Holy Spirit without measure, one must wait until the Holy Spirit is received and fills the innermost being. One has to wait until it is done. It is not something that one can accept merely by faith. To believe that you have received Him by faith is one-half of the truth, and that’s alright, but to be satisfied without Him after you accept by faith is to have an empty life without Him.

The Holy Spirit is already in the world to bless men in all fullness. Still, there is a need to go through a period of preparation necessary before He takes control of one’s life. It takes yielded-ness and asking God and hungering and thirsting until one is literally filled with the Spirit of God, and as soon as you learn to yield to the Spirit and receive Him into your life, that soon the Spirit manifests Himself.

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  1. Thank you for the video Pastor I believe in my spirit that my life will never be the same for Jesus Christ is my victory through his servants like you. I declare that your life be also filled with more of Jesus Christ so that we can be blessed with the fruits of your Holy Hands.

  2. What I think about this video is that confessing Jesus as your Savior and your Lord is one thing. It is like getting ingredients to cook goat soup. Now we have to understand that faith is our responsibility not someone else reason why we are tempted to blame others for what is happening to us. Then we have to understand our identity and our role and responsibilities in the relation we are starting with the Holy Spirit. Now to do all these we all should leave this world because we are not part of it. There is no way you have the Holy Spirit as a friend confident and leader and you take him to night club, you take him to hotel rooms with girls/boys, you take him to rob a bank, you use his mouth to lie to your entire family. Yes isn’t not His mouth? If our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit the hands you use to fornicate is not yours anymore. My point is being filled is a huge step and confessing is just a cover of your new book written by you and the Holy Spirit. Without faith we can’t be righteous before God. Hebrews 11:6 I have been working on this since this morning. Come to Him seek Him and believe He is who HE said He is then you will start your process of being filled because you know who lives in you and where you are going. Stay blessed

  3. Halleluyah! The Holy Spirit is the Crown jewel of our faith in God. Without Him Christianity is just another religion. Its not optional to filled with the Holy Spirit, it is the only way to live in the Zoe – God’s kind of life.

  4. Amen and Amen Pastor Philip….Believing to have received Him is not enough like you mentioned. you must feel that there is that inner place of your being which can only be fulfilled by the Holy Ghost…my perspective about the Holy Ghost is this: when you have Him there must be a a fellowship which engages communication..from communication He starts leading you (giving youdirections)…more again pastor that presence is a sign He is there even when you can’t touch him you can feel him for He is the emotions of God in might go through challenges but you are comforted and reassured for He boosts your faith..people might not understand you but the boldness the sound mind the fire the pure anointing you carry are ignited by the Holy Ghost! So in our journey let us always make sure to not grieve Him and constantly check our relationship so He will not depart from us while we are still thinking He is there yet we are running empty!!
    I will take all the points you talked on pastor and will keep pressing towards better and greater heights with the Holy Ghost!!! God bless you Sir and More Grace