Kingdom Innovation Hub
Kingdom Innovation Hub (KIH) focuses on raising awareness and driving engagement on creative... View more
Week 19: What is Your Innovation?
Week 19: What is Your Innovation?
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Eph 2:10 (ESV)
Innovation is one of our core pillars at Kingdom Life Christian Center. When we speak of innovation, we refer to being a good steward of the visions and fresh ideas that come from God. Innovations are not reserved for Silicon Valley. As believers, we step into innovation because of our relationship with God. By being in authentic relationship with God, the Creator will inspire and empower you to create something. He will make you productive in some new way to make His Kingdom known. Maybe you’ll start a business, maybe you’ll write a book or start a blog, or maybe you’ll inspire a more godly culture in your workplace… Innovation and creativity will look different for each of us.
The process of innovation parallels how a woman carries a baby, from conception to carrying to labor and delivery. God offers us a vision or a fresh idea in the form of seed – if our hearts are ready and willing to receive, then conception will occur. After conception, we are ultimately responsible for carrying it along, and it’s a gradual process of growth. And at the right time, this “new thing” is ready for be birthed and it’s finally time for the home stretch: labor and delivery. After all the hard work and dedication, we finally have something to share with the world!
Many of us miss the opportunity to conceive an innovation because we’re not ready to receive from God in that way. Or some of us conceive, but are intimidated by the process of carrying it through. Maybe we don’t know how to find the right resources or people to grow the idea well, or maybe we don’t recognize our own capacity to learn and grow. But there are also many of us who are open and eager to demonstrate our God-given capacity to create. And as a result, there are countless products, services, and organizations that are doing incredible work to expand the Kingdom of God.
Do you have a God-idea for a business, product or innovation? What stage are you at – conception, carry or labor and delivery? Please share about it below!
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