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Dashboard Forums Leadership Development Week 27 Kingdom Chat: Transformational Leadership

  • Week 27 Kingdom Chat: Transformational Leadership

    Posted by Philip on July 9, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    To complete this week’s chat, please consider the following question. How has this teaching changed your understanding of leadership and what steps are you going to take to develop your leadership gift going forward?

    Philip replied 3 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Nia

    July 10, 2021 at 9:07 am

    Thanks for this @phil4krist. I like the how you talked about the potential to be led by someone you are technically supervising like your son. That is the sign of humility, being ready to learn from anyone doing right. In that respect, this was a good reminder for me that leadership is about function and influence. If a 3 year old can be a leader, certainly none of us mature, adult believers have any excuse! Just like Paul would say, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1) – that’s our call to leadership. We lead by setting a good example, not by demanding things from people because of a title or position. It inspires me to be more mindful of the people around me and more conscious of the influence my life has on them.

  • Ukemeobong Michael

    July 12, 2021 at 4:32 pm

    Thank you @phil4krist for the inspiring post. I like that you said to work on doing and being. I think it was Daisy Osborn who said to, “…work on being, not having”. As discussed, leadership is not about having something or position, its an expression of who you are. While younger, I was not really enthusiastic about a lot of leadership talks or seminars because I felt it was a lot about motivational speakers telling people how to fit their “round pegs in square holes” to strive to achieve some presumed position of greatness. I like that this is not what we are saying here, rather it is about us living out the best version of ourselves.

    When we embrace our true nature as defined by the word of God, true leadership shines through inspired by love and grace. I recall during my house job year, I was passionate about ensuring everyone on my team worked together and no one being seen as weak. I avoided the gossips and small talks by stirring up friendships so we just enjoyed supporting each other. The senior doctors actually commented that they’ve not seen a more united team. I was voted the best house officer in the entire hospital that year even though I did not come from that area. I wasn’t looking for it but our light cannot be hid. Sometimes, its even about how we handle other people’s things. After I moved home, my former home manager commented that the house was so clean that you wouldn’t believe that I had kids living there because I ensured that I left the house in a good state. I don’t think I am there yet but I believe these small things matter.

    I think of people like Joseph in the bible who demonstrated honesty, sincerity and efficiency wherever he found himself even in prison. He wouldn’t have thought that his way to the throne would come through his diligence in prison. David had been laying his life down for his sheep, fighting the lion and the bear, even in obscurity of the forest before God chose him to be the arguably the greatest King Israel had. Many times we are waiting for that opportunity for a great position but it all can be predicted from the way we treat others today or handle the responsibilities committed to us. We can only give who we are.

    • Nia

      July 12, 2021 at 8:30 pm

      Wow, such great testimonies @michael! Thanks for sharing.

    • Philip

      July 12, 2021 at 9:31 pm

      Great testimonies and very thoughtful response. Yes, it’s about service, humidity, love and respect for the gift of others. Jesus said, the greatest among you must or should be the servant. So, in the kingdom leadership is about serving others with the greatness that is invested in us by God.

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