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Dashboard Forums Spiritual Growth Walking in the Spirit – Finding the voice of God

  • Walking in the Spirit – Finding the voice of God

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on June 1, 2021 at 6:21 pm

    I want to welcome you to the Month of June! I count it a privilege to lead the kingdom chat this week through the Education ministry to discuss this major topic in our Christian experience. Forgive the long post but I trust it will be worth it. So, let’s get to it.

    If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

    Growing up as a Christian I often heard in Christian gatherings, statements like, “let us be in the spirit” or “let us be in the mood of worship” which is usually followed with me, shutting my eyes in a sanctimonious demeanor like a priest on the altar. But then reading this scripture telling us that if we live in the Spirit, we should also walk in the Spirit, I was left thinking how this was possible. I thought if it meant praying and worshipping God everywhere you go and avoiding chats with people around you. However, as I grew in the faith, I realized that this meant far more than that.

    What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? It is an active partnership with the Holy Spirit and letting Him guide our will and actions, to bring God’s will to pass in our daily lives. It has little to do with emotions evoked by songs or closing one’s eyes. This partnership would be difficult to thrive if we do not know how to find the voice of God amid the busy activities of life. This makes it paramount that every believer should know the ways in which God speaks to us.

    We will explore some common ways God speaks to the believer:

    1. The scriptures: – The scriptures are God’s word contained and written in the bible. It provides the foundation of our faith. Any word or leading that goes against the written scriptures is most likely not from God and is at best, deception. 2Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that all scripture is God inspired and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for God’s work. You want to develop your hearing? You need to listen to the Scriptures first. The way to hear God is to be familiar with how He speaks in the bible.

    2. The inner voice: – Proverbs 20:27 says that “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly.” Our human spirit is like a candle and when God speaks, He lights the candle which illuminates our lives and provides direction to us. Many years ago, I read a book called, “Listening prayer”, I think by Leanne Payne where she spoke about developing this inner voice. I will recommend you have read of this as well. Some people refer to this voice as “intuition”, “a nudge” or just as, “something told me”. However, it does not become a trusted guide until it is enlightened/trained by the Word of God to know how to discern between good and evil. This is the way God fellowships with us and without it being well developed, we could be tossed about by every wind of information. We will need to deal more on this subject, but this is an introduction.

    3. Through the ministry gifts: – These are found in Ephesians 4:11-14 and include: The Apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers and evangelists for them to equip the saints for the work of the ministry till we come to the unity of the faith… so we are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. These offices are there to help the believer grow to maturity where they can think and act like Christ; fully functioning in the mind of Christ. They play a confirmatory role and do not necessarily tell us what to do. They tend to confirm what God has already laid in our spirits. Some people are always looking for prophets to prophesy into their lives or tell them what God wants them to do. That is not God’s intention. God desires for every one of His children, from the least to the greatest, to know Him for themselves.

    4. By spiritual giftings in fellowship with other believers: – We see this in operation in Acts 13:2 where while in worship and fasting the Holy Spirit spoke to separate Paul and Barnabas for the ministry. It is also elaborated further in 1 Corinthians 14:26. The revelation gifts -prophecy, word of knowledge/wisdom, visions, dreams as stated in 1Cor. 12, these are useful for the growth and edification of the believer, helping us stay in the right path.

    5. Casting lots: – Proverbs 16:33 talks about how to do this. This is such a basic way which was used many times in the old testament and could be prone to misuse, but I thought to mention because the Apostles used it in Acts 1:26 but it was done prayerfully.

    6. Through Nature: – Paul alluded to this in Acts 17:27 and in Romans 1:20. God used a cock crowing to remind Peter when he denied Christ. He also spoke through a donkey. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Sometimes God can use physical things to catch our attention. He can amplify His word through his creation. It could be a flower, a billboard, a flier, or any item that God chooses to reveal himself through. Spending time in nature tells us a lot about the personality of God.

    It would be impossible to elucidate on each of these methods in this discussion, but my aim is to provide an outline for us to discuss further and stir us into more knowledge on the workings of the spiritual. As God wills, we will find time subsequently to discuss on each one.

    It is important to know that none of these methods are fail proof because the devil can also use them as well. As we see in the temptation of Jesus, the devil also quoted scriptures and even when the serpent met with Eve, its first comment was, “Did God say…?” to twist what God had said. Therefore, how do we optimize ourselves to ensure that we are receiving the right information? The Bible instructs us to judge all things, to discern every spirit if it is of God. Not every prophecy or vision, even from the pulpit or from a prominent Christian leader, is from God. Samuel nearly made a mistake to anoint Eliab instead of David because he was looking on the outward appearance despite his experience with God.

    In order to be protected from false leadings we need to fine tune our antennas to the frequency of the Holy Spirit and stick to only His direction. We fine tune by forming a good foundation of sound bible doctrines and personal devotion to God in prayer and meditation. This enables us to train our inner voice to be familiar with voice of God as revealed by the Holy Spirit through the scriptures. While doing this, we can use the guidance of the Christian leadership and fellowship that God has afforded us, to help affirm God’s leadings, if in doubt. Never live your life as believer constantly taking decisions only based on human permutations. Take advantage of the superior spiritual help by walking in the Spirit and watch your life grow exponentially.


    1. What are some of the ways God has spoken to you?

    2. Can you reflect on some of the challenges you have had about hearing God or perhaps, been told something that did not end up being God?

    Please click on the title to comment and feel free to ask any questions.

    Philip replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Nia

    June 1, 2021 at 8:46 pm
    Kingdom Explorer

    Thanks for this overview @michael! I typically expect God to speak through Scriptures or the inner voice but it’s true that there are so many ways to hear God. Now that I think about it, many of my profound moments with God happen in nature There’s something about the beauty and the freedom of being in the midst of trees or near water helps me to be open to hear God, and I’m usually reminded of scriptures when I’m outside exploring nature.
    Thank you for pointing out how the enemy can use any of these means to fool us into believing a lie or half-truth. I think that’s why reading the Bible every day is so important, so that we aren’t confused by a single word or verse taken out of context. The more you read the Bible, the more you pray, the more you humble yourself before God and allow Him to lead you, the easier it is to tell when something sounds off. As His sheep, we learn to hear and trust our Shepherd’s voice and continue to follow Him over time (John 10:27). And even when we misinterpret or misunderstand, God is patient with us. As long as we keep seeking Him, His Spirit will ultimately lead us into all truth (John 16:13). That to me is the beautiful part of sanctification – what we don’t know or what we misunderstand today will be revealed as we continue to walk with Him.

  • Philip

    June 5, 2021 at 7:58 am
    Kingdom Pioneer

    You put it all together very well. At the very top of the list is Scripture. God speaks to us through his word. This is where I find many Christians having a problem. I have seen people choose what the other means are saying to them over what the scriptures say.
    God usually speaks to me through His word, when I yield my thoughts to Him by soaking my mind into the word, He often begins to inspire me with thoughts, ideas and nudges in my heart. He also speaks to me by unfurling roads or opportunities in front me.
    I can go on forever about being told God said that and that I some times what these ‘gifts’ are saying doesn’t align with what I am seeing that God has for me so it’s always important to check whatever we think we are hearing with the word and with God’s purpose for our lives.

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