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Dashboard Forums Leadership Development The Man-Fisher -part 1: the call to change the world.

  • The Man-Fisher -part 1: the call to change the world.

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on March 16, 2021 at 2:39 am


    And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
    Matthew 4:18‭-‬19 KJV‬

    <div>Its exciting for me to lead the discussion this week on leadership. We live in dark times when there is scarcity of true Christian leadership all over the world. Despite the proliferation of leadership messages courses and schools, the world needs leaders who are inspired by the principles and concept of the kingdom of God.</div><div>One of the first missions of our Lord Jesus Christ when starting his ministry was to make leaders. It is also noteworthy that he chose the seemingly uneducated men and probably the “pushovers” in the society when raising His kind of leaders, to prove that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisest of men. Isn’t it amazing how they were turned into the greatest world influencers whose impact is still being felt today. The testimony that was said about them is that, “these men who have turned the world upside down have come here also”(Acts 17:6). The world would never recover from their impact.</div><div>I love that God did not come trying to pick the best of the best which is the world’s pattern of leadership choice. Probably, if it were today, one may be looking for the people from the top ivy league schools of leadership or universities because we sometimes would think that leadership is taught in classrooms. However, our Lord Jesus showed that if any man tenaciously meditates and observes to do His words, he will be transformed into the greatest world changer that the world has ever seen. </div>

    God desires to have his children in leadership positions. How then will the world see our light? The dearth of Christian leadership in the society today, has partly been fuelled by the mentality that secular leadership is worldly and we are supposed to set our minds only on heavenly things. This has made some believers abandon leadership in the workplace, school or Governments, to unbelievers. The hard fact is that these unbelievers end up making policies which Christians complain about.The Bible states that when the righteous rule, the people rejoice. Righteousness exalts a nation.

    There is the argument that Christian leaders sometimes make the worst policies against the church which though factual is not accurate. This is because a Christian leader does not refer to that politician who wins an election and goes to the church to do a thanksgiving service or that leader who gathers religious leaders to pray for him in his office. These sometimes are the wolves in sheep’s clothing and are far from the truth. True Christians worship God in spirit and in truth. A true Christian leader is one who is led by the spirit. A follower who has been nurtured and discipled in true devotion to Kingdom principles and concept. We find examples in men like Moses, Joseph, Joshua, Deborah, Esther, David, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Cornelius, Joseph etc, who did not care about the politics of the time but to please God no matter the cost. They knew that no man has any power except it is given to him from God.

    In these last days we need more men and women like these who will not bow their heads to the evil of the day but are willing to enter the fire or the lion’s den if need be, to defend the name of the Lord of hosts. Men like David who will rise up to conquer Goliaths of this world.

    Nowadays, the enemy tries to silence the church using dubious means like media houses, social media, or even Government policies which try to stifle the word of God. However, God has called us to boldness; to follow him and he will make us the greatest men-fishers. The words of Jesus turned timid men like Peter who denied him front of the maid to become a preacher winning 3000 souls in one preaching.

    <div>Are you wondering if you can even address a crowd of 2 people? Are you afraid or doubting if you could ever take up that position to lead the group. The call is to follow Jesus and He will make you the greatest Man-fisher ever known.</div><div>We have the advantage of the Holy Ghost who endues us with boldness and like Paul said, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Therefore, rise up today and answer that call to leadership and become the fisher of men God desires!</div><div>Q1: Can you name a bible character that inspires you in leadership?
    </div><div>Q2: Can you list some reasons why Christians shy away from leadership positions?
    </div><div>Keep the flow coming. Love you.

    Ukemeobong Michael replied 3 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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