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Dashboard Forums Kingdom Living Daily Sep 03: Embracing New Beginnings with Faith

  • Sep 03: Embracing New Beginnings with Faith

    Posted by Pastoral Care on September 3, 2024 at 3:35 am

    Selected Bible Passage: Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”


    In our journey of spiritual hope and renewal, embracing new beginnings is essential. Isaiah 43:18-19 calls us to release the past and open our eyes to the new things God is orchestrating in our lives. It’s an invitation to perceive and embrace the fresh opportunities that God presents, even in seemingly barren and desolate circumstances.

    Key Points:
    1. Release the Past: Letting go of former struggles or failures.
    2. Perceive New Beginnings: Recognizing and embracing the new things God is doing.
    3. Divine Provision: Trusting in God’s ability to create a way even in wilderness experiences.

    Personal Reflection Questions:
    – What past experiences or regrets am I holding onto that I need to release?
    – How can I cultivate an attitude of openness to the new work God is doing in my life?
    – Where can I see signs of God’s new provisions and opportunities, even in unexpected places?


    Guided Prayer:
    Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of new beginnings. Help me to release the past and open my heart to the fresh work You are doing. Give me the eyes to perceive Your hand at work and the faith to trust Your provision, even in seemingly barren times. Lead me with Your grace and renew my spirit as I embrace the new paths You are creating. Amen.

    Personal Prayer Points:
    – Ask for God’s help in releasing past hurts or regrets.
    – Pray for discernment to recognize and embrace new opportunities.
    – Seek faith and trust in God’s provision and guidance in new ventures.

    Action Steps:

    Practical Application Tips:
    Reflection Exercise: Take time to write down the past issues or disappointments you need to release and symbolically let go of them.
    Vision Board: Create a vision board to visualize and embrace the new beginnings and opportunities you are seeking with God’s guidance.
    Seek Encouragement: Spend time with mentors or friends who can help you identify and step into new opportunities.

    Daily Challenges or Activities:
    Prayer and Meditation: Dedicate time to meditate on Isaiah 43:18-19, asking God to help you release the past and focus on the new.
    Journaling: Write about new beginnings you are experiencing or hoping for, and how you see God at work in these areas.
    Acts of Renewal: Engage in an activity that symbolizes a new beginning, such as planting a tree, starting a new hobby, or reorganizing a space in your home.

    Embrace the new beginnings God is offering with faith and openness. Trust that even in the wilderness, God can create streams of provision and pathways of hope. Release the past and step boldly into the future with renewed purpose and confidence in God’s promises.

    Pastoral Care replied 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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