Prayer For The Nations
It has been a turbulent time here in the UK with various protests, counter protests and violence in some places. I hear the same in Nigeria, Kenya. Also in Israel and the Middle East some are sounding out grumbles of war. Some are using this as opportunity for hatching evil agenda to inflict pain and destruction.
While praying about this, I received this scripture in my spirit,
Jeremiah 1:9-10 NIV
[9] Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. [10] See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”
And so we pray and speak over the Nations that the voices of hatred, anger, evil imaginations, violence and divisions are diminished, rooted out and overthrown.
We plant peace, safety, comfort and prosperity in every heart, everywhere. God’s people everywhere are preserved from wicked and unreasonable persons who do not have faith.
We will rise above the evil and so shine that the world will see our good works and glorify our Father and our God! In Jesus’ name! Amen.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
Ukemeobong Michael.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
Ukemeobong Michael.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
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