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Dashboard Forums Prayer Room Prayer For The Church

  • Prayer For The Church

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on August 3, 2024 at 3:02 am

    Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you. And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. 2 Thessalonians 3:2

    I woke up with this scripture in my heart. I have felt a deep impression in my spirit for us to hold up the Church of God worldwide in prayer and affirm that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church.

    Recent events in the Church community have reminded me of what the Lord told me some months ago and I shared on the blog posts titled: “Pray For Your Leaders” Part 1 &2. You may read it in the blogs section.

    The devil has two main strategies:

    A) Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep will scatter and

    B) A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

    Let us stand together in prayer and declare that:

    1). In the name of Jesus, the Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ.

    2). We speak over the Church that the pure Word of God, devoid of the contaminations of human philosophies will grow stronger, and swiftly to overthrow the adulterated doctrines of men that try to render the Word of God ineffective. The voice of evil doctrines and perversions will be weaker and weaker. The voice of the true gospel of God’s Kingdom will grow stronger and stronger, be honoured and prevail everywhere through undeniable proofs.

    3). God’s ministers and leaders in the Church will be delivered from discrediting and discouraging spirits that try to sow doubts, discouragement and reproach against them and their calling. Their faith will not fail and their feet will not stumble or fall in the face of adversity.

    4). Believers everywhere will be filled with the Spirit of unity, tolerance and love for each other irrespective of doctrinal differences. In this shall the world know that we belong to Christ. The spirit of divisions and discord is broken. The peace of God overrules our hearts. Peacemakers arise to build God’s Church in the bond of peace with one another.


    Ukemeobong Michael replied 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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