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Dashboard Forums Prayer Room Prayer Against Demonic Pollution

  • Prayer Against Demonic Pollution

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on September 14, 2024 at 9:47 am

    During my prayers in the morning of 12th September, 2024, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to pray for God’s children worldwide. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see a demonic portal from which evil spirits were emerging, like vultures spreading their droppings, to pollute the air against God’s children.

    This pollution represents misinformation—spreading lies about the church and its doctrines, magnifying the mistakes of a few church leaders, and turning some teachings of the church into arguments and disputes. This causes many believers to lose confidence in the authenticity of the scriptures and Christianity. The aim is to make the word of God ineffective by planting doubts and contaminating people’s faith. If they are confused about the Bible’s teachings, they can’t believe wholeheartedly, and their faith becomes shaky.

    The Lord then showed me that the parable of the sower applies not only to the Word of the Kingdom but also to the devil’s tactics. He led me to pray against demonic conceptions. James 1:14 tells us that a man is tempted when seduced by his own desires; then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, which, when fully grown, leads to death. This is the formula the devil uses to make people conceive sin. Just like the sower sowed seeds, the seed is misinformation, and the soil is the mind of believers. The seeds receive nutrition from our selfish desires and lusts that are not in line with God’s will. Demons spread their contaminated seed through misinformation (ideas that do not align with God’s principles) using the media, especially social media, and ungodly counsel, even from unguarded believers.

    Some evil seeds or ideologies will fall by the wayside of the believer’s heart and be removed easily when we put away that wrong idea and constantly renew our minds. Some will fall on rocky ground and cannot bear fruit because the believer has already recognized that personal weakness and dealt with it in repentance. Some evil seeds will fall among thorns and be choked by the word of God and prayers. These are believers who fell for the deception but, in a place of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers, these desires are cleansed out and removed. Unfortunately, some of these evil seeds break through, being fed by our inordinate desires, and the pregnancy grows, giving birth to sin in different folds leading to falling away from the faith.

    What We Must Do:

    1. Discern All Spirits: Stay alert and be watchful of the information you consume, including some Christian messages that stir the wrong desires in you. Any information that stirs up anger, strife, greed, reckless accumulation of wealth, selfishness, and most importantly, does not agree with your spirit, is not for you. God has placed you under pastoral care. Your pastoral care has what you need to grow. Stick to them until the Holy Spirit grows you to a new level.

    2. Pastors to Be Watchful Over Their Flock: Stick to teaching the scriptures and not the doctrines of men or pleasing people. The Lord, the Chief Shepherd, is near, and we will account for His sheep.

    3. Pray for One Another and Walk in Love:Give allowance for each other’s faults. The world may seem to applaud us when we fight each other, but don’t be deceived; the grand plan is to destroy us.

    The Lord reminded me of the scripture in Matthew 16:18: “…I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” The portals of evil cannot overcome God’s Church.

    I prayed and declared these words over the church. In the end, the words that came from my spirit were, “Lord, Your will, Your way, is what we choose.” I pray that our choice will be to do God’s will and walk in His way. Amen!

    Ukemeobong Michael replied 2 weeks, 4 days ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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