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Dashboard Forums Kingdom Living Daily October 6: Walking By Faith in the Midst of Doubt

  • October 6: Walking By Faith in the Midst of Doubt

    Posted by Pastoral Care on October 6, 2024 at 3:35 am

    Selected Bible Passage: Hebrews 11:5-6 (NIV) – “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: ‘He could not be found, because God had taken him away.’ For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”


    Today’s scripture highlights the profound faith of Enoch, whose extraordinary relationship with God allowed him to bypass earthly death. Enoch’s life exemplifies the power and necessity of faith, as his walk with God centered on absolute trust and belief in God’s presence and goodness. It is this faith that pleases God and draws us closer to Him.

    Key Points:
    1. Faith is Essential: Enoch’s life serves as a testament that faith is a fundamental component of a relationship with God.
    2. Divine Reward: Belief in God’s existence and His good nature is met with divine favor and spiritual reward.
    3. Pleasing God: A life that pleases God is marked by earnest seeking and a steadfast faith irrespective of life’s uncertainties.

    Personal Reflection Questions:
    – In what areas of my life am I struggling to have faith?
    – How can I cultivate a deeper belief in God’s rewards and presence?
    – What steps can I take to please God through my faith today?


    Guided Prayer:
    Dear Father, thank You for the example of Enoch’s unwavering faith. Help me to trust in Your presence and character, even when doubt creeps in. May my life be marked by a faith that pleases You and draws me ever closer to Your heart. Strengthen my belief in Your promises and guide my steps through Your grace. Amen.

    Personal Prayer Points:
    – Pray for the strength to trust God in difficult areas of life.
    – Ask for a deeper awareness of God’s presence and rewards.
    – Express gratitude for the spiritual examples provided in Scripture.

    Action Steps:

    Practical Application Tips:
    Faith Check: Regularly assess areas of life where faith may be waning and commit to prayer in those areas.
    Scripture Study: Read more about individuals of great faith in Hebrews 11 for inspiration and guidance.
    Seek God’s Rewards: Focus on ways you can earnestly seek God through prayer, meditation, and relational engagement.

    Daily Challenges or Activities:
    Faith Journal: Begin a journal to document instances of faith and how God responds to your acts of trust.
    Encourage a Friend: Share Hebrews 11:5-6 with someone struggling with faith to offer them encouragement.
    Faith Walk: Take time during a walk to meditate on the nature of faith and seek God’s guidance on where to strengthen your walk with Him.

    As you go through your day, remember Enoch’s journey and be inspired to walk with God by faith, trusting in His unseen but ever-present hand guiding and sustaining you.

    Ukemeobong Michael replied 15 hours, 2 minutes ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Ukemeobong Michael

    October 6, 2024 at 8:24 am

    Amen! 🙏🏻

    What struck me about this scripture is how a man was so lost in God that he could no longer fit in this earth and God took him. One of recent targets is to spend a whole 24hrs in total prayer and worship.

    Also it’s instructive to me that the greatest reward God gives us is Himself. He told Abraham, “I am your shield and your exceeding great reward.” Gen 15:1 Wow! When God pledges Himself to you! We have Him in Christ. And if God be for us who(what) can be against us. The more we see Him, they more we know who we are. For as He is, so are we in this world. Hallelujah!

    Happy Sunday!

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