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Dashboard Forums Leadership Development Kingdom Chat Week #29: Be The Encouragement To Your Leader

  • Kingdom Chat Week #29: Be The Encouragement To Your Leader

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on July 19, 2022 at 6:01 pm

    Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you. Hebrews 13:17

    We live in unprecedented times in our generation when knowledge is much increased and everyone appears to hold strong opinion about various issues of daily living. Oftentimes, while watching football (or soccer), we hear commentators giving their opinion on how a team should play and even the fans or spectators appear to know more than the Coach or Manager of the team. Unfortunately, if these commentators, spectators or fans were to be given the opportunity to coach the team, they’d realize that they had no clue about what goes on behind closed doors nor what to do with the team.

    Paul writing in 1Timothy 2:1 asked that prayers should be made for Kings or people in authority because he understood that leadership entails more than what meets the eyes. He knew that the devil is a master in fighting any authority instituted by God and will not stop until he perverts the leadership. Whether it is in the family, local assembly, Christian gathering, workplace or community, the devil will always find a way to attack any godly leadership because he knows that when the righteous rule, the people rejoice, and he does not want that.

    To do this, he tries to sow the seed of discord, discouragement, anger, bitterness, fear and even outright attack against the godly leader. Many times the people he uses to perpetrate these acts actually think they are doing the right thing without seeing the deception of the devil. We see examples when Miriam and Korah conspired against Moses (Numbers 12), like David’s men almost turned against him to stone him and he had to encourage himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6), like Judas betrayed Jesus and so on.

    We have to make up our minds to support the leaders God has given us. Of course, this does not imply sycophancy or turning blind eye to evil or abuse. However, we have to make up our minds to not be stumbling blocks in the way of God-given leadership rather, we should be the Sons (and daughters) of consolation. Like Aaron and Hur who upheld Moses’ hand for Israel to win the battle, like the mighty men of David who were willing to go the extra mile to help him, we should remember that the success of the team is dependent on the unity of purpose. We must be ready to uphold them in prayers, support them, be submissive to them; let them lead you with joy, and God who sees in secret will reward you openly. If you are faithful in that which is for another man then yours will be given to you. Make a decision to be an encouragement to your leader and never a thorn in their flesh and watch God promote you in His time.


    Think about the leaders God has placed over you, how is your attitude towards them? Instead of complaining, do you take out the time to say words of appreciation or encouragement to them? When last did you pray for that leader?

    Feel free to write your comments below. God bless!

    Ukemeobong Michael replied 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Emem-Ako

    August 4, 2022 at 12:03 am

    Thank you for this write up. Reading it for the second time and wish to share a few points….

    First is that I have learnt to appreciate my leaders intentionally as a form of encouragement to them.

    Now I seem to pray more for the leaders I connect with and let me not sound like the worst person here…I love to feel free with my leaders and if approachable I connect easily.

    Lastly I wish we could at some point discuss on ways a leader can encourage themselves in the midst of followers who doesn’t appreciate or encourage. Seems like drawing strength and one gets exhausted(Exodus 16:2-end…When the Isrealites were Grumbling and wanted to go back to Egypt)

    I would quickly add here that a leader needs to know her place in God then have someone to communicate with as often as possible (this is for your mental health as well—-recent discussion).


    God bless 🙌

    • Ukemeobong Michael

      August 4, 2022 at 11:29 pm

      Thank you Emem for the lovely comments. Yes it is good to pray for our leaders and encourage them as this is a biblical instruction that comes with spiritual and physical blessings.

      I agree with you, we could find time to discuss about ways a leader can stay encouraged in the midst of adversity. I believe this is the bedrock of true strength in leadership.

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