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Dashboard Forums Spiritual Growth Kingdom Chat Week #14: Why Did Jesus Come?

  • Kingdom Chat Week #14: Why Did Jesus Come?

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on April 14, 2022 at 5:25 am

    I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10b NKJV

    And whoever comes to me I will never drive away. John 6:37b NIV

    In the spirit of the Easter season we are taking the opportunity to reflect on the purpose of Easter. It is noteworthy that our creed as Children of God has its foundation on the sufferings, death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. To guide our reflection, it is imperative to ask this all important question, “Why did Jesus come?”

    Some have misconstrued the gospel of Jesus Christ to be a set of rules and religious rites to be kept by an exclusive group of “Holier-than-thou” people in order to get to “heaven”. Also some believers who are not properly taught the scriptures have actually reduced Christian principles to a tool for judging others as fit or unfit for heaven, or as unfit to call upon God because they are unworthy for not measuring up to certain fixed standards. Contrary to these opinions, looking at one of the last activities of Jesus on the Cross when he promised that thief alongside him that “… today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43), we can clearly see His overwhelming, extravagant, unrelenting love for every person irrespective of their mistakes, race, religion, social status or affiliations. His message was that of sacrifice, reconciliation, forgiveness, peace and ultimately, unconditional love that is always available, love that gives and keeps giving.

    Our opening scriptures informs us that he will never turn anybody away no matter how sinful, dirty, broken, unworthy of love they think of themselves. He wants to give you His life, more than you are willing to surrender your life to Him. God wants us to live without fear of the accuser, to confer His righteousness freely to us so we can stand boldly in His presence without guilt or shame.

    As we celebrate the Holy week, let us remember that Jesus did not come to establish another religion called Christianity. He did not come to die for a select few called Christians, He did not come so we can argue about which race, tribe, religion, denomination or political affiliation is superior. Rather he came to die for every single person even those who do not yet believe in Him; to reconcile us back to God; to restore us to the place of peace with God and God’s creation – the Kingdom of God; to stop our restlessness due to sin and its corruption; to give us extravagant life through grace (undeserved favor). He came to tear down the veil so we can have free access to the resources of God’s Kingdom. Now we can boldly celebrate our heritage as sons and daughters of God without fear, shame or doubt. This is the liberty we celebrate at Easter, the reason Jesus had to come!


    1. Do you believe Jesus paid the full price for your sins when He died on the Cross and rose again on the third day? Type “I believe in Jesus” if your answer is, yes.

    2. In one word, what does the coming of Jesus mean to you?

    Feel free to add more comments or testimonies on what easter means to you. I look forward to hearing from you. 📔

    Ukemeobong Michael replied 2 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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