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Dashboard Forums Leadership Development Kingdom Chat Week 36: Faith and Personal Vision

  • Kingdom Chat Week 36: Faith and Personal Vision

    Posted by Nia on September 8, 2021 at 9:06 am

    Greeting Family! This week’s Kingdom Chat in the area of leadership focuses on the topic of faith and personal vision.

    Here at Kingdom Life Christian Center, we believe that God has uniquely designed each person with a purpose in mind. As a believer, it is then our responsibility to seek God for wisdom and understanding concerning our purpose. Beyond that, there is a dimension of personal leadership that requires us to live and make decisions that align with the vision that God has given to us. In his book “The Principles and Power of Vision”, Myles Munroe explains this: “When you know and understand what you were born to accomplish, that is purpose. When you can see it in your mind by faith, that is vision.”

    There is a vital connection between faith and vision. Consider Abraham, who is known as the father of our faith. God gave him the promise of a great land, of countless descendants and of blessing and redemption (Genesis 12:1-4). When Abraham wondered how God could give him such a legacy, God instructed him to look up at the stars in the sky and try to count them to illustrate how numerous his descendants would be, and Abraham chose to have faith in what God revealed to him (Gen 15:1-6). God reminded him that just as the stars in the sky are too many to count, the promise was bigger than what he could see with his natural eyes. He needed to have faith to see beyond his current situation and his own expectations for his life. Romans 4:13 explains, “It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.” Receiving and living by a personal vision requires faith. Just having knowledge of God’s will for your life isn’t enough to get you there. Vision requires a surrender of the heart, a desire and a passion to believe God and see what He sees about your life.

    Take a few moments to reflect on the following questions and respond to this week’s Kingdom Chat: Have you received a personal vision from God by faith? If so, have you continued to walk in faith day by day in accordance with the purpose and vision God has given to you? If not, are you ready to seek God in faith concerning your purpose and personal vision?

    Remember, as you take time to share in this Kingdom Chat, not only are you investing in your personal development but you are also strengthening our community. As we share our hearts, we grow closer and can encourage one another in the Lord.

    Nia replied 3 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Ukemeobong Michael

    September 9, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    Amen! is what I can say to purposeful living. Thank you@purposefaith for sharing in such a simple yet powerful way. What stands out for me in fulfilling divine purpose is that it can be a lonely path many times because the vision is like a pregnancy, which changes your perspective and lifestyle. Things you used to do like everyone else now change. Even your friends and companions change because you are now incompatible. The vision can even make some people hate you for not being like them anymore. I see why God called Abraham away from his family and country to a new place. Every vision will bring you out to a new place by faith.

    Personally, I am becoming more selective and specific in what I get involved with, even if it is in the name of God. All things may be good to do but not all are advantageous or will bring me God’s reward. One of my greatest prayers is to be efficient in the use of God’s grace in those areas He wants me to and not just where people applaud me the most. Stay on course with the vision by faith.

    • Nia

      September 9, 2021 at 8:35 pm

      Thanks for your response @michael! Being efficient in the use of God’s grace… what a great prayer! I agree that we must be intentional about what we direct our energy and focus toward.

  • Philip

    September 11, 2021 at 3:20 pm

    Two things stand out to me, @purposefaith, where you said purpose is when you know in your heart what God wants you to do and vision is when you can see it in your mind’s eye. That is powerful in the sense that you distinguished between purpose and vision. A vision that is not inspired the Holy Spirit is mere ambition. When fulfilled, it doesn’t bring any sense of divine destiny. We must seek God’s face to understand why we are created and put here.
    The second thing that stands out to me is @michael ‘s word of insight, “be efficient in what God wants you to do not what others will applaud you with. This is very true when you examine what is happening in the body of Christ today. It’s almost as if everyone who feels called by God go right back into the status quo because that’s what they will be applauded for. The demand of their true purpose and vision may not lead to a flamboyant ministry but if we truly follow divine purpose, we will find that it is always the opposite of men’s expectations.
    I am disciplining myself each day to keep my focus on Jesus, whom the Bible says is the authors and finisher of our faith.

    • Nia

      September 11, 2021 at 7:58 pm

      Thanks for sharing @phil4krist. Excellent insights! Divine inspiration and revelation is key in discovering purpose and vision, otherwise we are prone to bring out selfish ambitions that Scripture warns us against. Thanks for this reminder.

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