Finding Joy In Every Day: Practice Being Present

Not so long ago, I experienced a period when I felt weak and tired in my body for no clear reason. Like the disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, my spirit was willing, but my flesh was weak, even when I was lying in bed all day. In my morning prayers, I had the answer in my spirit: I was carrying some loads in my spirit that wearied my body. Not a load of sin but of responsibilities. As individuals, we have many responsibilities and are involved in many activities including family, loved ones, business, work, and ministry. We become so invested in them that we overlook their impact on us. Often, we forget to allow them to give back to us – to celebrate their joys.

That morning, I heard God tell me to practice being present. I was too busy to enjoy the things that I was working for. I was not paying attention to the beautiful things God had used me to accomplish in my family, career, ministry, and relationships. That week, I learnt to switch off from ideas of the future and just appreciate what I have achieved so far. I learnt (and still learning) to pay attention to things I overlooked. To feel the gentle breeze, to stare at the clear skies, to appreciate the details of nature around me. I switched off the audio in my car while driving to work, so I could appreciate the sceneries in quietness. This is still a work in progress for me. However, I felt the refreshing again. I felt my strength back, and my wife commented about it (Now she has heard the secret).

Genesis Chapter 1:31 says: “Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!”

Did you notice two keywords used in that verse? First he ‘looked’ and then he ‘saw’ which means he became aware, in admiration and acknowledged that it was very good. Simply, he had a Wow! moment. Going through the account of creation in the same chapter, I realised for the first time that, 7 times in the 7days (in verses 4,10,12,18,21,25 and then 31) God stopped and admired his work and saw that it was good. He did not wait till everything was accomplished to say it was good. He did it every day!

Our spirits can be too willing to do more even beyond what our flesh can handle. Sometimes, we feel guilty to stop and enjoy what we have accomplished because we have been taught to work harder to succeed. “The time is short!” We tell ourselves. But we eventually run out of gas. We need our bodies to be effective here on earth. No matter how strong a driver or the car’s engine is, if the tyres are deflated, you can go nowhere with it. Jesus knew this, and he had to pray for strength. God sent angels to strengthen him. The disciples allowed their grief to weary them instead of casting them upon God in prayer.

As Believers, our spirits are loaded with divine ideas and inspiration that will change the world but our bodies are made from finite materials that need care. God abhors laziness but enjoys rest. He sits back to soak in and enjoy his creation at every step. He also wants us to do the same. We may often pile activities upon activities even in our religious circles without room to absorb their effect. They then become a distraction resulting in burnout and crises.

When the woman with the alabaster jar, broke it and anointed Jesus, some people (notably Judas Iscariot) complained that it was a waste and should have been sold and the money given to the poor (of course, he had ulterior motive, to steal it as he has been doing). Jesus refused to be guilt-tripped. Instead, he responded, “The poor you will always have with you but not me.” No matter how self-sacrificing you are, you cannot solve everyone’s problems or prevent every crisis. The world’s problems will outlast you. So focus on playing your part and leave God’s part to Him.

Take time to appreciate the things around you. Admire your work. Look at what God has used you to create. These were not there before but all are products of your decision. Don’t allow your focus on the future to rob you of the beauties of now.

You say what if my creation looks ugly? These are the products of your decisions yesterday. But if you change your focus and mindset today, you will reap the benefits tomorrow if you persist. The worlds were framed from nothing/emptiness. Start seeing the little stars in your heart like Abraham, and you’ll birth products that will bless nations.

It’s that time of the year take yourself out. Sit back and feel your environment. Don’t just be busy at work. Look at your co-workers, have a chat with them and be present. Talk to your spouse or children and be present. Stop guilt-tripping yourself for enjoying the blessings of God on you. So long as you do it within godly boundaries. The needy you’ll always have among you, but you only have limited time here on earth, so be present, Enjoy your Every day.

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