Embrace Inner Peace: Overcoming Anxiety and Fear
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times in every situation. 2Thess 3:16
The Quest For Inner Peace
We live in a world of constant change and uncertainties. It is often said that the only thing constant in human life is change. We are constantly in search of how to better control the circumstances of our lives. This is why people consult fortune tellers, diviners, palm readers, Zodiac signs, spiritualists, or prophets/Seers – to try to get ahead of the future. Just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we want to be all-knowing like God.
Irrespective of our religious beliefs, and our best efforts to control these circumstances of human existence, we still find ourselves in situations “beyond our control” or crises. Anxiety and restlessness come from the fear of crisis. We are afraid that we may fail, be betrayed by a loved one, lose our jobs or house, lose a loved one, lose our health, be harmed, lose our self-esteem or not actualize our full potential. The American Psychologist, Abraham Maslow listed these in the hierarchy of human needs.
The Call To a Higher Life
Imagine a life where you do not have to live in fear of all these things. Where you are not in bondage of the fear of hurts and disappointments. Where you know that your future is already taken care of. That someone who knows it all oversees you and all things conspire in your favour. More like a baby in the mother’s arms sleeping in total trust and dependence. Jesus recognised this fact in Mathew 6:25-34 and told us not to worry about these things but instead to seek His Kingdom and all these will be added to them. He also told them in John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.”
The Joy Of Salvation
The commonest statement I hear when people receive salvation is that they feel a peace within their hearts that they have never experienced before. No words could describe this feeling, but you just know within you that you are ALL right. You have that sense of inner satisfaction that you are in the right place. A sense of wholeness, completeness and rest envelops your heart irrespective of the circumstances around you. The book of Isaiah 32:17 states that the effect of righteousness will be peace, quietness and confidence. Our Salvation did not only give us peace with God but also gave us peace within. This peace is not the absence of trouble but the inner sense of sufficiency and control amid the trouble. It is a blessed assurance that no matter what comes against us, we will always be on the winning side because we live and walk in God’s will.
Why Then Do We Have Many Christians Suffering From Anxiety, Panic Attacks, And Fear Of The Future?
The Fright, flight or fight response is a natural protective sympathetic (adrenaline system) response in each person. So they are not evil in themselves. In fact, a lack of this response is abnormal. However, what drives this response and how we manage it determines our victory in life. Fear is an attitude. Faith comes by hearing, and so does Fear. We eventually become what we constantly hear. While in my post-graduate training in Mental health, I heard so many traumatic events from people’s childhood that I nearly became paranoid around my children. I had to remind myself of who I am and God’s word concerning my family and the fear dissipated.
Hearing is not just about sound waves entering our physical ears but involves all information from our senses, especially our thoughts. What are your convictions? Being born again gives you peace with God but we need to constantly rid our minds of the old thoughts we stored about who we are and how we respond to life. You are not that angry, timid, needy, abandoned, or worthless person you may have been told. You are no longer the proud, hurtful, rebellious person. You are recreated in Christ as a new man after Christ’s image. You do not have the spirit of timidity or fear but the spirit of love, boldness, and a sound mind! If you constantly remind yourself of your problems or troubles you will live in fear, but if you remind yourself of and reaffirm what the bible says about you and your challenges, you will walk in faith. And faith is our victory force that overcomes the world and it pressures! (1 John 5:4)
How Can We Be Consistently At Peace Within Us?
- Stay on the Word of God:
Isaiah 26:3 says “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you”. You only fight fear with superior information. Prayer is important but praying without the right information may be another murmuring and complaining to God or just reminding yourself of your problems. What does the bible say about how to approach that situation? Practising confession, meditating and training our minds to respond the way the bible tells us to respond to situations, gives us peace. Sometimes thinking alone is not enough, you have to speak out loud to yourself until the voice of fear is silenced. - The role of prayer:
Philippians 4:6-8 tell us not to be anxious about anything but to pray about everything, then the peace of God will secure our hearts in God. It also tells us what to think about after praying. Prayer helps us to cast our cares and worries to God. It reminds us that we are not alone, that we have someone greater watching over us and He will not let a hair fall off our heads without his approval. - Practice quietness:
1 Thessalonians 4:11 tells us to learn to be quiet. He did not tell us to be quiet but to learn how to be quiet. It is important to know when to be quiet. Sometimes we are too quick to talk about our fears when we face challenges so we need to learn to be quiet. Quietness helps us to evaluate and ensure our response is appropriate and according to God’s word. - Mind your own business:
1 Thessalonians 4:11 also tells us to stay out of other people’s business. We rob ourselves of inner peace when we constantly compare ourselves with others. Learning to assess yourself according to the measure of grace and assignment God has given you, will keep you from inner turmoil. You live in the knowledge that God’s grace is sufficient for you and you are enough. That God does not love anybody more than He loves you. His thoughts are for your good even when things seem delayed or even broken. All things will work out for your good eventually. So stay on your track, no need to stress about other people’s lives.