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Dashboard Forums Christian Living Meekness – the secret to true power

  • Meekness – the secret to true power

    Posted by Ukemeobong Michael on January 29, 2021 at 6:07 am

    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Mathew 5:5

    We live in a time and age when there is a constant struggle and need to prove ourselves – who we are, and what we can do, many times even at the expense of others. We are inundated with messages of being competitive, strong, outspoken and to adopt a win-at-all-cost attitude. It is true that the message of the gospel gives us boldness and we must utilize this boldness when required. 1 Timothy 2:7 says that, God has not given us the spirit of fear (timidity) but of power, love and a sound mind. Its amazing how that last quality, sound mind is easily overlooked for the first one, power. We all love power! But the secret to a true and lasting power is in the sound mind (meekness).

    Meekness is commonly called, gentleness but it means much more. I love the definition which refers to it as that ability to endure hurt with patience and without resentment; it is a patient endurance of offences even when you have the power to fight back; it is power under control.

    Meekness is the quality that our Lord Jesus mentioned to be the way to inherit (come into possession by right or conferment) the earth. It is amazing that the secret to great strength lies in a quality that is being perceived as being weakness in today’s world. We fight each other, try to out-do one another, to gain the best reputation, to be the “first and not the last”. We jump over and trample the weak in order to succeed. But meekness is the gateway to power. With meekness it is ok to suffer hurt sometimes, it is ok to feel cheated (1 cor. 6:7) and choose not to fight back, instead you crack on without resentment submitting yourself to God and His will. This is the secret to great power on earth. This quality was seen in Moses no wonder he wielded such great authority and could speak face-to face with God. He was referred to as the meekest man on earth and God had to fight even his personal battles for him (Numbers 12) when Aaron and his big sister, Miriam spoke against him and same with Korah in which God opened the ground to swallowed these seemingly elders in Israel who wanted to measure up with Moses (Numbers 26:10) . Moses did not even pray about it. Also, our Lord Jesus willingly laid down his life but rose with great power! Halleluyah! He is the Lion and the Lamb.

    The greatest power of God is wrapped up in things men look down on. His power is revealed in our weakness (2 Cor. 4:7). The weakness of God is stronger than the strongest men. Meekness is not stupidity rather it is stooping to conquer; it is loving too much not to react. God will not trust you with great authority if He cannot trust you to handle it appropriately. As believers we need to desire the best gifts which include meekness. We should covet and cultivate this great quality through periods of trials when we could have been offended but we chose to forgive and love, when we are evil spoken off and yet we love. We overcome evil with good. God is glorified in and through us this way and shows up on our behalf. He will pick up the fight for us if we do what is right. Sometimes you will question if you are being stupid by letting go but God shows up for you. You see results with little effort, your spiritual walk is productive, and you live in sound mind. Like David in Psalms 18:35, you can say,” thy gentleness has made me great”.

    You inherit the earth – have it as a possession and are blessed beyond human explanation.

    Can you comment on some instances or examples of meekness that you have come across? I look forward to the discussion with you. With love from me to you.

    Ukemeobong Michael replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Philip

    January 29, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    It’s not a coincidence that I was actually reflecting on this thought this week. We have been taught to operate in conquering faith but we equally need a matching dose of enduring faith. Enduring faith enables us to suffer wrong just like you described. The new gospel and prosperity movement often seeks after dominion, winning, and success at all times and all costs but that’s is not the way the kingdom of God operates. The MSG Bible puts it succinctly in Matthew 10: 21-23

    • Ukemeobong Michael

      January 30, 2021 at 10:45 am

      So true Pst Phil. I believe God is interested in raising believers who are deeply rooted in the deep foundations of the Kingdom and not just the glories that come with it. I’m amazed to realise how the word “meekness” is hardly in the christian vocabulary. Little wonder the impact of christianity is not felt as much despite the growth in the number of churches. I see the church growing deeper and stronger with these foundational doctrines.

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