The Soul Wars Part 1: Don’t Sell Your Soul!
We live in rapidly changing times with so much competing for our attention. How can we stay focused and not be distracted from our divine purpose despite the pressure? Let’s examine the words of our Lord Jesus.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26
The emphasis here is on the value of the human soul – the whole world put together is not enough to pay for one man’s soul. It took another soul (of Jesus) to pay for the soul of man. Ironically, the whole world is fighting for your soul from the day you were born including your family, friends, job, business, social media, entertainment, arts, science, and religion, they all compete for the attention of your soul. Yet they are not capable of satisfying the soul.
What Is The Soul?
Most people would agree that man is a spirit being that has a soul and lives in a body. The soul is the seat of your emotions, intellect, and willpower. Humans cannot function in this world without the soul. This is part of the reason that when people are mentally unwell, some think of suicidal ideas because they feel incapable of functioning in this world – they feel numb, hopeless, and dejected. The soul is the most powerful tool of your existence without which your spirit (the real you) is unable to function on earth. God wants your soul because he created it for his purpose and glory. Understanding the soul will help us find deeper meaning in that bible verse.
Take Charge Of Your Soul
James 4:1 echoed the same thoughts – “What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you? You want what you don’t have…you are jealous of what others have… yet don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get because your motives are all wrong – you only want what will give you pleasure.”
In over a decade of medical practice, I’ve witnessed firsthand the toll that neglecting the well-being of the Soul can take on our mental and even physical health. Anxieties, fears, and a sense of emptiness often stem from a disconnect with our souls, as we prioritize external achievements over inner fulfilment. In most cases, we prioritize these pursuits over our souls, nourishing our bodies with various foods, exercises, and cosmetic products. We are in a race to compete for fame and fortune while neglecting the needs of our souls.
Aligning Actions with Spiritual Values: Finding Purpose
Nurturing your soul doesn’t mean abandoning your responsibilities or pursuits. Rather, it involves aligning your actions with your spiritual values and purpose – your success stems from within your soul and infuses life into your bodies. Jesus was asked about his food, and he stated – “to do the will of my father and to finish his work”. When you engage and align with your soul, your work becomes a life unending that strengthens rather than stresses you. When you find your soul, you are shielded from burnout. Rather your work feeds you because it becomes who you are rather than what you do.
Guarding Your Soul: Intentionality and Discipline
Finding and aligning with your soul is not an event but a constant process which requires intentionality and discipline. We must put structures in place to guard our souls. David prayed for God to search him and know his heart, to test his thoughts and lead him in the everlasting way (Psalm 139:23-24). We must actively shield our innermost selves from negative influences and distractions.
In Matthew Chapter 7 Jesus showed us how to live and not to act as the rest of the world when dealing with our basic needs of food/clothing/shelter/security, because we are worth more than the birds, or flowers.
In part 2 of this series, we will explore practical strategies on how to stay free of the influence of the care of this life. Stay tuned.
